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Dr Micozzi

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Dear Faithful Reader,

If you or a loved one wants to lead a long, independent, mobile life in your own home. I have some good news for you…

Instead of just hoping this will be true for your future…there is something you can do about it…starting now.

You see, there’s a rarely-discussed problem your doctor probably isn’t screening for…

And if overlooked for too long, it could mean the difference between spending your golden years in the space you’ve loved and cherished your whole life…or in the sterile setting of a nursing home.

This overlooked “age-factor” could even lead to a disease that is estimated to affect up to 45% of our senior population.

But don’t worry. Accepting nursing homes and disease as an inevitable part of aging ends today.

I’m talking about mobility and while it may sound harmless, losing your mobility can impact your life in very dangerous ways.

That’s why I’m hosting an urgent, live webinar on Tuesday, March 12th.

The event will start at 7 pm Eastern time and last about one hour. (If you can’t make it … still sign up as there will be a rebroadcast at 9 pm Eastern time.)

During this live presentation, you will discover details on…

This Tuesday, March 12th at 7 pm, I intend to take you through all of the details…along with my decades’ worth of research (previously unreported by the mainstream media).

I’ll share information on a variety of simple, natural solutions that can help strengthen your mobility…

Tricks you can start doing immediately that don’t involve heavy weights or a treadmill.

So make sure you tune in to my Maximum Mobility Webinar this Tuesday, March 12th at 7 pm Eastern time.

I’ll see you then.

To a long, independent life,

Dr. Marc S. Micozzi

WHAT ATTENDEES HAVE TO SAY: How would your life change if you could feel confident in your mobility for a strong, independent future?

About Dr. Micozzi

In his 40-year career, physician, medical anthropologist and epidemiologist Marc S. Micozzi M.D., Ph.D., has researched nearly every facet of natural medicine. It was in his work as a medical pathologist that Dr. Micozzi witnessed firsthand the ravages unchecked inflammation can have on the body and how woefully inadequate mainstream methods are at treating it. Over the decades he has thrust the STAGGERING PROOF of complementary alternative therapies in the faces of mainstream medicine AND DEMANDED ANSWERS. In fact, some of the world’s most recognized natural research–on things like lycopene, lutein, brassica vegetables, and excess iron–would not even exist without his courage to stand up for true science. His medical career is all but unrivaled—especially given his vast and unique mixture of experience within mainstream medicine and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Dr. Micozzi was the founding editor-in-chief of the first US journal in Complementary and Alternative Medicine and organized and edited the first US textbook in the field, Fundamentals of Complementary & Integrative Medicine in 1996. He has published nearly 300 articles in medical literature and is the author or editor of over 25 books. And due to his vast knowledge of natural treatments for inflammation and vital insights on chronic disease, he’s been interviewed countless times and lectured extensively on the topic to both students and colleagues alike. His experience also made him the obvious choice to organize and chair continuing education conferences on the theory and practice of CAM and has even co-chaired with former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop (whom he has collaborated with in different fashions for nearly 25 years) in 1996 and Dr. Dean Ornish in 1998. He’s also one of the most effective spokesmen for CAM, contributing to the New York Times, Washington Post, Miami Herald, Chicago Tribune as well as NPR, Good Morning America, and CBS Evening News. As the Senior Investigator of cancer prevention at the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Micozzi published the original research on diet, nutrition, and chronic disease. He continued this line of research as the Associate Director of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology and Director of the National Museum of Health and Medicine. He has served as the Executive Director of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia (the same state where he completed medical and graduate training at the University of Pennsylvania). In recent years, Dr. Micozzi has served as the Founding Director of the Policy Institute for Integrative Medicine in Bethesda, MD, working to educate policy makers, the health professions, and the general public about the opportunities for integrative medicine and the need for clean, clear science within our modern medical establishment.